You’re Missing Out: Personal Cloud Storage


  1. Very helpful and to the point

  2. Dude, you literally answered all my questions in this video. Thank you so
    much as I was curious about speeds and being able to stream to my TV.

    Thumbs up!

  3. Do you know if you can transfer files to the MBL from a remote computer?
    I’d like to be able to transfer my pictures back to the storage on the go
    from a laptop, do you know if this is possible?

  4. in home network…will i need internet to access the data on the storage…

    I want to access the data wirelessly on my android phone, computer and
    samsung galaxy tab. Your suggestion would help

  5. i find it to be slow, did i connect it incorrectly to my mac or to my

  6. I have the 3 TB version and I have a couple of questions for all of you:
    1. I didn’t get an installation CD, why?
    2. How do I make my downloaded torrents save directly on the drive? (I’m
    using Torch and it wont even show me “WD My Cloud” as a place to save to)
    3. I was copying .avi files to the drive and when I came back to check them
    most of the files weren’t there, as if I was to never upload them. They
    were laying in seperate folders together with some other files(such as .txt
    and .jpg), and those files made it through. Any explanation?

    I’d really appreciate it if someone would help me, the more I try the more
    confused I get. Thanks!

    *Edited, solved one thing

  7. I bought one of these and didn’t know it could do all that…thanks!

  8. would this be ideal to use at my office to access documents at home?

  9. i got a question if im like not at home but more like visiting family and
    friends can i still not connect to my internet with this thing or is that
    what its meant to do since i know i dont known one yet :)

  10. Great overview video with just enough details! If using this as a music,
    video and photo cloud what would be the best way to back it up?

  11. I Hate Myself. I bought this with 120€ because I tought I could PUT stuff
    from my computer. Like i could DRAG stuff there, but I can only copy and
    paste. this shit ruined my life, because I saved for this for a long time,
    and Afterall, it doesnt do what I want. If someone knows theres some
    technical problem With my device. please tell me.

  12. I am trying to figure out how to convert a good sized and growing CD / DVD
    / Blue Ray library to a digital library. I want to be able to access the
    library via PC / MAC / TV (Smart TV / HDTV). I am slowly uploading all of
    my CDs to iTunes. Is the WD NAS System described in this video a good
    solution? Sounds like it might be. In order to access the music (from
    iTunes) and movie library would I also need to get a Ruko 3 or something
    similar to use with a Smart or HDTV?

  13. Hi my name is Moises Uribe, I have a hard drive like the one you show in
    the video, and it’s the same brand, but has no outlet for the internet.
    What I can I do to use my HDD as cloud???

  14. I have Sony N7100W home BD system, but i am not able play video file
    through MyBookLive.via DLNA.

  15. Do you know if you can set up password protected files on the NAS?
    I want to make a folder that the children cant view please.

  16. Thank you very much for the information. I am trying to set up home cloud
    storage for videos. after almost 2 years, is there any other better option?
    Thanks again for your time and the good introduction.

  17. That’s not a knife, this is a knife. I love crocodile dundee

  18. is better
    50gb — free
    100gb — $25/year
    250gb — $62/year
    500gb — $150/year
    1TB — $250/year

  19. 100 mega bytes a second transfer??? I’m getting only 6MB/s on my mac!!!!


  21. Where can you find this drive? I don’t know that I need a 3Tb though… AT
    most I may only need 2Tb. I also need to make sure that it will all
    windows 8 and windows 7 access we have both OS in our home. 

  22. Good video… Seems you may be able to help me. I have an older My World
    that is about to fail. It is a Raid 1 device (2 – 500 Gb drives) with a
    VERY noisy fan. I recently went Windowless (good-bye Microsoft!) and
    purchased a Mac Air (great machine!). So I would like to find a
    replacement that is Raid 1, Cloud capable, FTP ‘like’ (meaning I would want
    to allow Guests to download from the device from a shared folder using a
    password via a URL I send via the Internet), capacity does not matter that
    much (but >1Gb), NO FAN, wireless, and if possible Time Machine compatible.
    Too much to ask for 1 device? Or is there something out there? Many
    thanks, and again great job on the video.

  23. Does it allow you to set up playlist for music?

  24. I just ordered mine this morning from amazon and if I knew I could buy it
    through your link also i would’ve 🙁 Nice video

  25. I am thinking about buying this product. Is there a way to set up a folder
    on my work computer (like dropbox), to easily view my files or do I have to
    go to the website everytime?

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