UFOs Out of the Blue – FREE HD Movie


  1. billions of light years and 14 comercial bullshit ! welcome to the earth..

  2. Well they are trying, that’s the whole point to what Israel are doing. They need to destroy Damascus, remove the King of Persia and then build the Temple, its all in preparation for their God to arrive. Remember the Jews didn’t call Jesus the Son of God. There are rumors that the dome on the Rock is being sabotaged, because they need to knock it down for the new one. Bunch of bloody lunatics.

  3. 200 yrs ago we didn’t have aircraft, general & special relativity, advanced medicine among other things. The understanding of dark matter, dark energy and the Higgs field/boson, could make it all possible for interstellar FTL travel and anti-gravity style propulsion. Dont be too eager to dismiss life out there, or the ability to make direct contact with it. Kepler’s main job is to look for X planets around stars, since 2009 Kepler has found 2,740 candidate planets in transit around 2,036 stars.

  4. You make really good points. I would not tolerate such behavior by humans were we to venture out into space.

  5. You didn’t believe a word because your heart is hardened and God will not give you revelation and understanding of His Word if you hate him. He Loves you anyway, but He responds to the believers heart, not the one who wants to make trouble for His children. I am having a hard time believing you have read start to finish, but if you say so. You keep using the word “idiot”. Why? Does this make you feel better to use these words? I can call you names too, but really, what good is in it?

  6. I understand about the last days. No man can TRY to fulfill prophecy, it WILL come to pass because God said so. I don’t get in2 the intricacies of man’s opinion. I DO know prophecy is coming to pass right b4 my eyes, and as Jesus said; because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold, Matthew 24:12;But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage… 37-38

  7. Another fruit cake the odds of finding a planet like ours can not be answered by a simple eqasion we don’t posess technology to get there guess all you want theorize all you want if you can’t travel who cares what think or pretend to know!

  8. Why do you think Israel are trying to destroy Damascus? Even you should know about that from your Bible. They are trying to fulfill their prophecy., because after Damascus falls its then Iran(Persia) The USA yesterday have decided to aid the Israeli, Mossad mercenaries that have been devastating Syria for 2 yrs, Israeli aircraft have been giving these rebels air support until Russia delivered the SAM missiles the other week, removing the Israeli air threat and the rebels have been pushed back.

  9. Dr House.

    lot of things have been documented, but they still are not facts. stories from dragons and goblins have being documented. and we both know there is such things.

    and if bible is fact. it say that world is 6000 year old. actually world is 4,5 billion years old.

    bible is not science, it’s far from science, you can believe it. but you are an idiot anyway. only idiots believe, I have read bible start to end only to be able argue about it. I didn’t believe a single word from it.

  10. You are correct things ARE going to change in a HUGE way! You have NO idea! I am not religious as I have already mentioned. I have a personal relationship with my God. Science does not always contradict my bible, and actually, God made all of it. The problem here is man always wants to serve himself! God is real and you will find out one day, sooner than you think. I already know the truth, and the truth sets you free! Yes, there is a lot still yet to find, but that is not new news…

  11. The question I get asked from religious people all the time is
    *with out god, what’s to stop me raping all I want?*
    And my answer is: I do rape all I want, and the amount I want is zero.
    And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero.
    The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-harming thing I can imagine.

    Penn Jillette

  12. “House” that makes no sense to me? Anyway, you are right people do stupid things and people do follow evil people, and that is a fact. The bible is not written by unknown people, they are documented and it is history. So the scientist that have written books 100’s of years before the ones living right now, are they fictional? Science is wrong quite often actually, and if you put your faith on that, that is your free will. I believe in a God that is more real than you can imagine. That is a FACT!

  13. yes actually. peoples do many stupid things. Hitler lied all the time. yet he had and still has millions of followers around the world. and in world war 2 they did willingly die for him.

    if you could reason with religious people, there would not be religious people – House.

    which one I rather believe, book written by unknown people. or scientist that have actually proven things to facts. I go with science, I don’t pray easter bunny like you do.

  14. Well make sure you do yourself a favor, dont just serve God all your life, serve yourself too and even though science in the future may seem to contradict your beliefs, dont be so eager to jump on the organized religious band wagon and start going crazy, because things are going to change soon in a very big way. Now remember we are one of 4,000 billion potential Earth-like planets in the observable universe, that’s a lot of life out there. More stars/suns than grains of sand on a beach.

  15. Even if He was right in front of you, you would be too angry to see Him. What do you think? I can just grab God and show Him to you? If it was that easy then we wouldn’t be in this discussion.. You don’t show a Holy God, you seek Him with your heart! If you want proof read the Holy Bible and ask God to help you understand. The bible is history and Jesus did exist and people died horrendous deaths because they shared the Good News! You think people would be willing to be slaughtered for a lie?!

  16. Like I wrote America is not perfect, but America is the country God chose to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We had a covenant with Him and we broke it! One day you will need Jesus, and you know what, He will be there when you do. That is how He is, He is so patient and He is slow to anger. I can write and write about Him, but you refuse to understand. I have no hard feelings towards you, and I think you are actually a kind person. I wish you well, and again, I am sorry for my behavior…

  17. I will worship my God and I am not ashamed to say I Love Jesus and I will serve Him for the rest of my life! You people can be hateful towards Him, and mock Him just like they did when they crucified Him for His Love! People are still doing this! Why? People hate, mock a God that doesn’t exist? Really? No, the thing is you write these things in darkness, because you serve the god of this world and he controls you and you don’t know it. This life has layers of depth that we can’t even imagine!

  18. You are just speaking out of both sides of your mouth, but that’s okay, you have the right to do that. I believe in a God that is more real than you can imagine! I resorted to your tactics and I apologize for that. I know who I serve and He is merciful, kind and He is so forgiving! He is also a God of judgement, and one day, we will all be accountable whether we believe or not. Just like gravity, if you don’t believe it exist, well you will find out on your way down and then it will be too late.

  19. to reply your earlier reply that I could not find…

    lot of blaa blaa blaas..if god is real, show him to me. I do not believe anything before I see it. and even than I have to be sure it’s not hallucination caused by external factor.

    you can give your life to god all you wish, but don’t bother those who choose not to believe, they only get angry at you.

  20. /watch?v=M-DQXU0Ts3k IT’S ALL OVER. The question of whether we are being visited by beings from beyond our own atmosphere has finally been conclusively answered. I’m going to miss not knowing for sure. The answer is never as much fun as the question.

  21. yes they would – just to see how stupid and ignorant AM poilitics can be

  22. Superb! Now they try to show us to put down the weapons and nuclear before we get more help or signs! wake up

  23. watch?v=fJuNgBkloFE

  24. All you are going to do is get on your knees and worship the big Joo Joo God up the mountain. I’m not name calling anyone, a collection of idiots are a collection of idiots, what do you want me to call them, wonderful, smart, intelligent, geniuses ? If the majority of people continue to worship and follow something that doesn’t exist, it doesn’t make it true, it proves you’re all nuts. I wouldn’t be jealous of a fascist country that loses 12,000 people per year in gun related deaths for profit

  25. Wrong again, most are NOT from Europe. I thought you wrote we were already dumbed down, stupid, but now, we have brains! How fickle you are, and your reasoning is the same. I am glad I live in America because I would hate to be you! It must suck getting up and knowing you have no direction… You have shown no proof of brains coming from the UK so I am not sure why you think to write, yet another lie.

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