tutorial on how to download and stream films online for free


  1. You should be able to do this with any commercial video editing software, e.g. I use Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus, but those cost money.

    As far as I can tell (although I haven’t used it myself), VirtualDub allows you tod do that sortof thing so it’s probably worth taking a look at that as it’s free.

    Hope this helps

    UPDATE: Oops – just reread your question and missed the bit about wanting to leave the other audio as it is. What you might need to do is use something like AoA Audio Extractor to get the audio out, process the audio using Audacity or something, then use VirtualDub to put the processed audio back in place of the original audio.

    I’m not sure how successful that will be though, it depends on how the audio you don’t want to change is configured in terms of stereo image and so on. In general it’s normally relatively easy to remove vocals from songs because they tend to be centred in the stereo image. That means that basically you can process the left and right channels together and remove the common bit (which tends to be the vocal). If you’re talking about a film soundtrack or video recorded on a camcorder that might cause problems because, for a film soundtrack, neither the music or the dialogue will be centred and, for a camcorder video the stereo image is probably not very wide (so the results wouldn’t be great).

    There is a thread (see second link) that might help though.

    Good luck.

  2. Hey Draken,

    Try out trakAxPC Pro. It’s a new editing suite that allows you to edit and mix any combination of audio, video and photos. You can cut and edit, add effects, text, split screen, reverse, slow-motion etc, plus upload your video directly to YouTube through the application.

    There is a free forever lite version and paid pro version available.

    You can check it out here: http://www.trakax.com/software/pc/

    Hope this helps

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