Top 10 Free MMORPG Games to Play in 2011

for an updated Top 10 Free online MMORPGs including gameplay videos, info, and much more for each online game…


  1. Dragon Nest should be number one. /watch?v=X3rjKG1AqhY

  2. Where is C9? 🙁 I think C9 is better than Vindictus…

  3. REALM OF THE MAD GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all.

  4. i miss SAO sooo much 🙁

  5. Second Life.

  6. DRAGON NEST ! , 😀 .

  7. why? D:

  8. TAlisman online awsome mmorpg for free not a huge download or nothing join Light in darkness server and add HARDFAIRY420 to your freinds list , also making a guild and highest lvl is i believe 80 or 90 so join and whisper me

  9. scratch that this was 2011… why then?

  10. why are they leaving out runescape?….. oh right.. eoc….


  12. how?

  13. You suck

  14. League of Legends

  15. I’m not sure at all but you may be talking about Zentia, if it is the case, the game has shut down in america

  16. Help me out here: What was the MMORPG that you get a Brown horse mount at around lv10-20, Also Near the Castle where you get that horse, there are Werewolves near by, there are even some werewolves that are “Berserker types” with two swords that no novice should attempt to attack but everything else is doable?

  17. Dragon nest should be third.. -_-

  18. Lotro is the only good one on there

  19. I can see why.

  20. this mmorpg games the most of them sucks

  21. ahhh,its school,not shcool

  22. i am still in shcool -.-

  23. What you should go back to is school with that comment.

  24. i like runes of magick but onley 1 thing i hate about it was it dint had lots of classes i realy like when i see some many races when i was playing ther were onley human and elf now ther are dwarf how i remeber and i think i might go back into it

  25. right now in my opinion is Tera the best mmorpg out there sence its f2p now, with peautiful graphics and caracters

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