Star Trek Online Free To Play Review


  1. I was not aware they did away with the sub model completely. I know the lifers still get the monthly currency, and I thought subscribers get it also. Since I was already capped, and had all the things from being a previous subscriber I just went with the free to play, and bought the ships I wanted from the store.

  2. Bad thing about this is ships costing dillithium, it was much better when they cost EC for non c store ships.. it costing 120k of dill for a T5 ship is dumb. Next is paying for inventory space, and BoFF space when these used to be free with leveling…

    If you can’t tell I hate Free to play model now thanks to these kinds of games. Can we get Subscriptions back?

  3. The space combat is fun, maybe the secret space project bioware is working on will help. The mini space rail game is fun, but they really need some space maps for pve and pvp.

  4. game looks cool, the space is what intrigues me, I wish SWTOR had space like this…

  5. Downloaded the free 2 play game and had no problems with it untill today, i get kicked out of game 10/15 min into the game over and over SERVER not responding anny help will be awsomme.

  6. Can your friends be part of your crew? or vice versa?

  7. Willing to sell my STO Account. 2 Level 50 characters. One with rare ships, over 3,000,000 credits and the leader of a 100 man Tier 1 fleet, for offers or questions 🙂

  8. The free to play model is better in sto. I’ve played sto off and on since launch, They encourage the free to play model so much its not worth subbing. So that makes the free to play model even better. Pretty much completely free, unless you like to gamble with locked boxes. You can earn all your dilthium to buy w/e.

  9. is this game completey free or is it like lord off the rings online??

  10. And they need to scale the ships better, like in the shows how to ships were in size to each other

  11. yeah.

  12. I agree : ) Just wish they would get rid of the locked boxes.

  13. Very good game, lots of bugs and glitches, but a good game 9.9/10

  14. I usually think of the missions as star trek episodes.

  15. the free to play has changed alot of things about the game, with the lock boxes and other issues. The stories are around, if you look, alot of foundry missions written by the fans are very well done. So it keeps fans tied over until something else comes. I did not like the last update, which was fleet heavy focused. The next season will add more pve content. I still like the game though, it brings things from all past movies and shows in playable content.

  16. I tried it … but, I quit it becous it has no story at all, nothing that a real star trek fan can actually relate to … exp end disconected missions (and plenty more you can do) is not enough to keep me in the game that has no story line

  17. thanks

  18. Nice review,i want to try it out now.

  19. you can get it from doing various missions, or doing stf’s, exploring, mining. It is really easy to get.

  20. some do it less then a week, some it takes longer. all depends on how you play.

  21. how do i get dilitium

  22. how much time does it take to become captain

  23. yes, and alot of other things to

  24. yes, free and as much as you want,, I still play, even with all the other games I tend to play. Games pretty good,

  25. you can do missions

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