Satya Nadella: His first interview as CEO of Microsoft


  1. I’m a PC and windows 8 is a pile of shit. RIP Windows XP 2003-2014.

  2. Seems like a nice guy. Hope he smashes all the crappy tile software and
    brings us Win7.1. A man can dream, a man can dream…

  3. Fuck you Microsoft. You can allllllll die in fucking hell you money hungry
    cunts. Fuck u guys. I’m raging war against u. WHOS WITH ME

  4. Staya Nadella tell 343 Industries to make Halo 2Anniversarry( With

    and you WILL drain the last drop of juice in me.. $$$$$$

  5. oh my god, 2 Senior Execs have left. This is what happens when you put a
    Tom, Dick or Harry in charge. The other Toms, Dicks and Harrys will feel
    the pinch.

  6. He talks the talk… but can he walk the walk? we’ll see…

  7. chuitya gutli dubaye ga company ko

  8. he better add more apps to windows phone 8 and add more features to windows
    8 just dont be evil

  9. Proud of Indians ! 

  10. Satya Nadella’s first interview as #CEO of #Microsoft


  11. In Microsoft he led major projects including the company’s move to the
    cloud computing and the development of one of the largest cloud
    infrastructures in the world.Nadella worked as the senior vice-president of
    research and development (R&D) for the Online Services Division and
    vice-president of the Microsoft Business Division. Later, he was made the
    president of Microsoft’s $19 billion Server and Tools Business and led a
    transformation of the company’s business and technology culture from client
    services to cloud infrastructure and services. He has been credited for
    helping bring Microsoft’s database, Windows Server and developer tools to
    its Azure cloud. The revenue from Cloud Services grew to $20.3 billion in
    June 2013 from $16.6 billion when he took over in 2011

  12. The 3rd CEO of Microsoft, and that too an Indian!
    Proud to be an Indian!

  13. Microsoft software suffer from poor quality.
    Satya must work hard to improve them. 

  14. While everyone is going gaga over an Indian becoming CEO, I would be proud
    when and Indian Software Company displaces Microsoft as one of the Giants,
    given the talent we have here.

  15. Nice One..

  16. Dislikers from Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.. sukk my as##… bloody
    cheap retarded c#Unts.. get a life.. PROUD INDIAN(telugu people) hahahah

  17. Great looking office.

  18. Microsoft is going to take over.

  19. They way he talks, he sounds like the Steve Jobs of Microsoft. If he can
    do what he says he can and live longer than Jobs, they could dominate
    better than with Ballmer as CEO, who was more of a hack with his
    fast-follower program.

  20. Office 

  21. He is answering with ready answers, not by himself.

  22. Something about this guy tell me that he does not like dealing with
    impersonal reasoning. Just listening to him, it seems like he gets excited
    about possibilities for the future and might have a tough time dealing with
    logic and facts without any connection to a human element…

    It’s either that or this guy is still hiding inside the closet…

  23. I wonder what “removing any obstacles of innovation” will mean in practice.
    Sounds a lot like putting an end to all backwards compatibility… being
    even more like Apple.

  24. Yay..Another genius Indian being given the top job in one of the world’s
    most successful company ..**PROUD INDIAN** 🙂 Microsoft will hopefully
    rise to its highest pier in Mr Nadella’s tenure as the CEO,Microsoft ..

  25. why the fuck are they walking?

  26. Libreoffice

  27. I’m not sure if by “open source” you actually mean “free.”

    I don’t think there is an open source cloud based office suite. There are several free Office suites. The two best known are Google Drive and Microsoft Office. Of the two, only Microsoft Office saves in Office Open file formats, so in that sense Microsoft Office is the more open of the two suites. The Microsoft suite is free at

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