Roll Bounce full movie online free part 1


  1. wikipedia has some free reasources on movie making

  2. Good script.Good camera, editing software.

  3. Hi! I took a beginning videography class in college. It was so much fun. We used a program called “I Movie” to edit our movies. I recommend it. You should also search online or at a bookstore for books on how to make movies. There is a lot for you to learn to make a good movie.

    As for microphones, there are several different types. You don’t necessarily need the kind that you see used on television. You can use a wireless clip-on mic, or a good microphone that mounts onto your camera. When you add the music to your movie, you can control the volume of voices versus music.

    One of the best pointers I can give you is to write a script ahead of time… and make a list of the shots you need to get. This way you can shoot out of sequence, and still know where you are in the process. You can put the shots in order when editing.

    Make sure you do some research on proper camera technique too. You can ruin a perfectly good story by making your audience sea-sick by moving the camera around too fast.

    There are a ton of things I could tell you if I wanted to type all night… If you have any more specific questions, feel free to ask me…. I’d love to view your movie too, and offer some constructive criticism. Good Luck!

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