Radio Free Cybertron 362 – Live Stream


  1. Wow i didnt know .co is a thing

  2. Whoa this is weird seeing what happens after it ends lol

  3. ultra magnus colored as rodimus i can see it now. The horror.

  4. This chat is lonely… 😐

  5. That is a large amount of chrome…

  6. What i dont get is how the dinobots can exist in the WFC and FOC “universe”
    when Wheeljack created them on earth.

  7. he looks like he has mickey mouse gloves lol

  8. Oh great. More cyberverse junk. Am i the only one who doesn’t like

  9. I don’t own the original classics Jetfire, might get this.

  10. that Jetfire looks kinda cybertronian in vehicle mode in my opinion

  11. Hi

  12. Dont really know what else to say but… hi.

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