Primavera Sound 2014 “Line-Up” (full movie)


  1. fingers crossed for outkast

  2. Que guay!

  3. here we go!

  4. kines ganes

  5. NIN

  6. two hours

  7. National

  8. Ну чо

  9. Visca Catalunya !

  10. ddd

  11. gurrl

  12. ARE U RDY

  13. hey


  15. wtff qotsa?

  16. Look, i just wanna known the line-up…

  17. vamooooos!

  18. Bravo!

  19. Trippy! but i can relate.

  20. If time goes back when you advance in the vinyl, time should go backwards
    while the vinyl is playing (?)

  21. Where I get the The National Button? 

  22. What’s the song @ 9:40, when he leave the house

  23. Mogwai – Remurderd
    Majical Cloudz – Childhoods End
    Arcade Fire – The Sprawl (Mountains Beyond Mountains)

  24. Majical Cloudz – Childhood’s End

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