Official MEGA Cloud Storage App for Android


  1. Are you from the US FBI or something. Kim dotcom rules, besides I don’t see
    dropbox offering 50GB which is quite a shame if they think there going to
    remain competitive.

  2. not UK, appart from that great video review! five stars!

  3. can’t wait until IOS version is released!

  4. i just uploaded all of dragon ball z to mega freaking awesome

  5. How do I move back my (backup rom) file back to my phone?

  6. Best part— NO UPLOAD SIZE LIMIT

  7. mega/.co./nz Correct link

  8. I think its, not the one you have in the description of this
    video 🙂

  9. found one 🙂 megadesktop/ .com

  10. isn’t that awesome?!?! =)

  11. Great stuff just downloaded it. Going to migrate my box and skydrive files
    asap now!

  12. 50gig free nice!

  13. I think so ya =) Personal opinion though, of course =)

  14. LOL, not a dime…it’s just an app that I have been waiting for, so I did a
    video on it =)

  15. fourth. MEGA Mega Limited

  16. hey um can you use this app offline ?

  17. corrected, thanks for the heads up =)

  18. Gotta love me some smoking android.

  19. faster upload and download speeds, no upload file size cap, top level
    encryption =) Oh and this is one of the few sites that give you 50GB free
    storage =) Some do, but not all

  20. LOL, i’m sure it was pure coincidence! But it was great timing! =)

  21. Android gets plenty of apps first, e.g. Chesspresso.

  22. whoa dude you have power you tweeted him and it happened…Now tweet/write
    the Gov and tell them to lower taxes

  23. He did not say they aren’t monitoring files. Mega cannot see the file, the
    reason the gun was removed was by the public link so they had the
    decryption keys in the public link allowing anyone to see the file. So they
    cannot decrypt or monitor files unless you give them the decryption key

  24. I am trying to figure out where my files download to. Also its great to see
    how big your channel has gotten

  25. Us New Zealanders get quite offended when you get our top level domain

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