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  1. if the file is so important to me i will have it backed up to multiple resources. however cloud storage is one of the safest ways of storing files due to it being away from your home so less risk from fires and such.

  2. No. Think if you put data (images, videos etc) on the cloud, it is on the Internet. The Internet can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Millions of computer hackers have a new trend – hacking into cloud accounts. It’s happened to me and took me five or so months to hack back into there computer(s) and send a message that would make them go (honestly I did that!). If its on a hard drive in your house it can’t be hacked in to; if it was the hackers would have to be at your house! Plus a hard drive has much more space than online storage!

  3. What I suggest is to have a mix of BOTH hard drive and cloud storage.

    I currently have the following setup:

    1. I have a 2.5″ external hard drive which sits permanently connected to my computer. I use an open source program called FreeFileSync ( ) and set it up automatically synch the important folders from my computer to my external hard drive. I also use this to synch my other files such as music and videos as it’s a 500GBs external hard drive so I have plenty of space for it.

    2. I use Skydrive ( ) and CX ( ) to automatically synch my important documents to online cloud storage. Skydrive provides 5Gbs of free online synch storage and CX provides 10GBs of free online synch storage. I only use them to synch my important documents due to the limited storage space available.

    This gives me the best of both worlds.
    1. I now TWO copies of my important documents (one on external drive and one on cloud)
    2. I can restore my files more quickly from my external hard drive and it stores more
    3. Online cloud storage gives me that extra piece of mind for my more important documents because they have redundancy in place, rather than my hard drive which has spinning parts and could potentially die of fault out

    Hope that helps you out.

  4. Cloud “secure servers” refers to the method of data transmission. It has no relationship to the level of security of the data stored there.

    Cloud can be a decidedly beneficial backup if the data is encrypted with a client side utility BEFORE launch to the cloud service.

    A multi-faceted backup strategy is far superior to a mono-type.
    2 physical media is first (one on-site, one off site), and cloud is one way.
    All should be encrypted before deployment.

  5. yup..but i wouldn’t call it the absolute safest.

    It is definitely safer than storing in a internal/external HD. Most cloud storage provide have trustworthy backup solution that backup you data in different physical location.

    the only concert is hacking..however if you are storing any classified file i wouldn’t be too worry about it

  6. I use a lot of cloud computing service.
    So I can have synchronized all my files from PC’s, Mac’s, iPhone, Android.
    Since I started using it a long time savings and convenience.

    But still I have an application that automatically biene with every Mac that you back up your entire system in a portable external hard drive.

    The best and proven cloud computing that is
    Personally I’m very happy. Since only engage in cloud computing and service are improving every day.

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