MILITARY BASE ASSAULT! (GTA V Online Free Roam w/ Goldy & Friends)


  1. Hey every one i have a military crew that is recruiting Add me if you are
    interesting in joining we roleplay and do big drills we also even vs orther
    crew we have army airforce and navy we r on the ps3 consal and my psn is

  2. Hey can u get a cargo plane and crash into each other 

  3. You guys really SUCK at this!!!

  4. Watch my vids of military base assult fails lol

  5. And you are famous (from my other comment)

  6. Hi

  7. Hey can you friend me on the xbox360 I want to play gta5 with you and all
    the others

  8. You play with SeaNanners too?????!!!!!

  9. The bounty split is 3750 not 3500 :|

  10. I didn’t know you played with syndicate or tons of other “famous” people
    like you

  11. Hey goldy can i play gta with you sometime? My gamerag is Atomic GLitcHEz
    and ill help you get better at the game slightly

  12. 10:09 lol

  13. I really hate Adam 

  14. Check out my gta 5 freeplay video on my channel

  15. Hello there, i’d just like to let you know about our channel for a moment.
    We’re a growing group of gamers who make cool let’s play series’ on PC. We
    aim to bring high quality entertaining content to people, and hope that
    we’ll eventually reach a larger audience to make people a little happier 🙂
    We understand this isn’t a great way get recognition, but if you have a
    minute to spare, please come and check out the channel and if not, then
    thanks for reading anyway and have a nice day :)

  16. why are you so happy that you got a jet you must really suck at this game
    great video though

  17. add me on psn:uwaiz 786

  18. who the fuck is adam?

  19. How was DYE fantasy syndicate? :D

  20. Never mind

  21. I meants syndicate and you also have sea nanners what the fuck get
    pewdiepie then you’ll get god knows how many views and also get

  22. This guy is shit, he seems like a good guy, but he can’t even get a jet

  23. syndicate is in here

  24. Oh nom I realized he is :P

  25. You guys are funny 

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