Microsoft Surface Review: Reading Kindle Content


  1. Thanks for your review. The Kindle app for windows is not very good at the
    moment and really needs a lot of work. However, there are a few things
    about the platform hat you need to be aware of. Firstly, windows 8 has
    global sharing. To share, use the share charm. Share to twitter or facebook
    from the people app. Also Tweetro or Metro Twit to share to twitter. Also,
    there is the system wide Narrator tool and global search to search within

  2. Thanks for that information on sharing, Shane. I suspect Amazon will update
    the Kindle app for Windows 8 as soon as possible.

  3. Very professional overview of the Kindle reader for the Surface. I found it
    quite helpful. Dr. Thackeray

  4. I really liked it im about to get the surface pro and this was helpfull

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