Maps To The Stars Official International Red Band Trailer (2014) Julianne Moore HD


  1. +J. A. Torres II have you seen this????!!!

  2. Another film about horrible vacuous people, fine, but from David
    Cronenberg? Waah! Me no like. Bad medicine.

  3. Upcoming Cronenberg. Trailer is NSFW

    Why the fuck is Pattinson basically replacing Vigo Mortensen and Peter
    Weller? There are other underwork actors out there who can… I dunno…
    fucking act?

  4. 15 children don’t understand what an adult movie is, I’m sure this number
    will grow :)

  5. Every youtube conversation on every film trailer:

    – Fucking stupid! Worst ever!!!
    – Fucking great! You don’t understand it!!!
    – Fuck you!
    – [et cetera et cetera et cetera.]

    We need a solar flare.

  6. Looks extremely bad, this is supposed to be cronenberg? What happened

  7. Hölle noch mal, sucht Julianne Moore sich nur durchgeknallte Filme heraus?
    Eigentlich fehlt noch Tilda Swinton im Cast, aber Mia Wasikowska und John
    Cusack (keine Joan in einer Nebenrolle?) sind auch ok. Eine schöne
    Zusammenfassung gibt es im sehr lesenswerten und empfehlenswerten

  8. I don’t actually understand this at all. 

  9. Strong movie!
    All actors are very good, especially Evan Bird.

  10. Going to see it no matter what.

  11. Plz pattinson don’t ruin cronenberg

  12. so when is this premiering?

  13. Loved a history of violence, can’t wait for this. You have to respect
    Cronenberg, he went through a bad patch in the 90s and 2000s. Looked like
    he was over hit returns with probably some of his best films

  14. Patterson finally got a haircut theirs hope yet

  15. A new Cronenberg film, Maps To The Stars, now showing at Cannes!

  16. Anybody know the music?

  17. looks really cool, like a Cronenberg version of Inland Empire

  18. Cool!!

  19. What song is in the trailer?

  20. Adult movies can suck too. The acting is just all over the place. I hate
    to say it, but Mr Sparkles has the most consistent acting out of everyone
    else in this trailer. The moment it looks like it could be good, they jump
    in with cringe worthy acting. A grown up turd will smell no better than a
    child turd.

  21. Really looking forward to seeing crazy Mia Wasikowska.

  22. I love Cronenberg, but if this pace of the film is as disjointed as the
    pace of this trailer, I think I’m going to be disappointed.

  23. Looks horrible but than again blonde Julianne Moore. Ehhhh might watch it.

  24. Ha gay

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