Mahayudh (2003) – Watch Free Full Length action Movie Online


  1. Wow nice and truth movie

  2. ll was fine if had english subtitles((

  3. Lkllll89 to the

  4. I don’t speak the language of this movie. Did the cobra save her at the end
    because it was a pet of her murdered boyfriend? What language is this?

  5. Movie is worth watching and throwing light on one aspect of Mahabharat
    depicting the story of Amba and her revenge. Her revenge became one of the
    causes of Bhishma’s death. Revenge is always harmful for mankind. Amba
    Shold have understood this. OM Gayatri, Ashok, Son Jigar and Wife Sangeeta
    liked Movie. Thank you for uploading the movie on youtube and making it
    availabe for watching. Good Night! Shivam Bhavtu!

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