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  1. The iPad is so pointless why wouldn’t people bash it?

  2. The iPad is an iPod touch, but too big. And more expensive. If you want more processing power, buy a netbook. Why get the disadvantage of size and the disadvantage of lower power? The iPad is lose/lose. The only one who wins is Steve Jobs.

  3. Actually haters have always been blessing to Apple. When Apple introduced first iMac without floppy drive these uneducated or moderately educated people went on rampage but iMac went on becoming one of most admired all in one computer and floppy drive is buried forever.

    Same thing happened when first iPod was launched. iPhone received same response but all these devices became landmark in the history of technology. iPod along with iPhone became the most successful device the world of technology has ever witnessed.

    1 million iPad sold in first 28 days just in first 28 days but onslaught didn’t stop here Apple sold 2 Million ipads in first 60 days in US. We already saw a huge line in Japan.

    iPad has multitasking
    You can play radio app at the background.
    Screen can be split in three or two parts
    With web browser , you can use calculator,unit converter,twitter photo upload,chatting, translator on the other side.

    while downloading a movie from a website, you can read word ,PDF document or watch a movie or transfer files from one app to another.

    One one side you can chat,on other ,browse the web with radio or iPod playing at background.

    If while taking notes, you need reference from Wikipedia or other website no problem,you can use browser on other side to and you can also use calculator or voice recorder while typing.(app : sundry notes for ipad)

    Not having Flash support is the biggest feature of iPad.
    Without flash, you can watch all the web videos without any problem.

    I watch movies using Netflix on iPad everyday. Free movies are also available through website.,Abc Player,Netflix all for iPad
    Website:almost all website works on iPad except Hulu but same services are offered by other websites. Hulu is coming on iPad in December.

    You can watch tv shows online.

    Ipad also has iWork which allows us to create word document ,spreadsheet and presentation.

    In fact I create document only on ipad now for my official work.

    iPad can download video directly to the device like any computer would do.But computer often downloads spyware with movies,iPad downloads just movie.

    iPad is new way of computing and just like we saw a flood of iPhone’s rip offs , we will see every company bringing out ipad look alike in coming days.

    You can do everything on iPad just way is different and that’s the biggest selling point of it. People like me are sick of using the same computing style for ages. We desperately wanted something different and here is the iPad.
    Creating document was never fun as it’s on the iPad.

  4. iPad has already become a huge success so it doesn’t matter what people say about it.Netbook is killed by iPad.
    HP and all other companies are trying to come up with tablets identical to ipad to combat this twister of technology.
    And I agree with one of the answerers that the fact, iPad is not computer and it doesn’t support flash, are the main selling point of iPad.

  5. that’s all because of Adobe Flash, those who monsterized iPad are paid by Adobe …

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