Introduction to Cloud Computing


  1. got lost at hypervisors…

  2. Great Class

  3. Good to see such material on cloud computing

  4. PERFECT……i like his teaching……

  5. SkyNET- I don’t trust ANYTHING to do with cloud.

  6. Yes, he is. Perfect training for an upcoming IT-Administrator. 😀

  7. Nice video.. very intutative……

  8. Thanks again. You are awesome.  I know my husband is tried of hearing your voice & all this PC talk. Ill be back tomorrow.

  9. Great job. You have me hooked to your classes.

  10. whats with the audio??

  11. Well done. Very easy to follow. I especially like the information on how billing is done with the amazon edge server model where by the file may be repeatedly transferred based upon client network capacity erosion.

  12. Cant hear anything :S
    sm1 pls help $_$

  13. Fantastic Class. Really made me understand Cloud Computing in a nut-shell.

  14. Great narrator…..SUPER!

  15. Excellent information and knowlege and teacher is fantastic.

  16. I work for Adobe and and a sales and licensing guy for cloud, I needed a simple explanation to related cloud fields. This guy is awesome, he can translate complex subjects into simple easy to learn matter. Adobe needs to hire you to train its folks!

  17. That is a grate job. Thank you.


  18. Thank you for all your free videos, these are truly a steal. Your style makes it really easy to understand…

  19. same here 😛

  20. Oh… but you do!

  21. Kind of annoying that the audio is only coming through my left channel..

  22. The whole thing is still a bit coudy !

  23. Eli for President, you are really good

  24. Through the concept of THIN-Client and Mainframe. Superb cleared.

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