How To Watch Movies In Theaters Online For Free


  1. Are you in the U.S.? Also could you copy and paste the web site into a reply back or simply type it in. It will be greatly appreciated! Thanks & God Bless

  2. that site doesnt seem to work in the U.S.

  3. wats the website?

  4. Thx I Love u so muck x)

  5. Windows 8 does not come with any software to watch movies from the DVD. You need to download it. I suggest you use VLan. It is free. If your using Windows 8 home, then M$ will charge you for the software you need.

  6. Cd-rom don’t play movies , only dvd optical drives do, and agree about vlc it has it’s own codecs, yes in this case have to watch movies online

  7. Hi,

    Windows 8 Media Player as standard does not support DVD Playback as Standard and will either require an additional Codec in order to play DVDs.

    You can purchase a Pack from Microsoft to enable this feature

    However There are some great free alternatives such as VLC Player which will play DVD’s and more media. I have put the download link in the sources below

  8. Take your PC to the nearest centre for repair

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