How to Learn Japanese (Online & Free)【日本語の学習法】日英字幕


  1. I don’t understand lang-8 … because if i know zero word in japanese how
    am i suppose to just write a sentence and even if someone corrected I do
    not understand more..?

  2. Does anyone recommend Rosetta Stone?

  3. I can’t decide on learning korean or japanese, my dad thinks if I live in
    japan I’ll die from the earthquakes and natural disasters. But on South
    Korea, he’s never been there but he thinks I will die from north Korea’s
    bombs. I have japanese/ Asian family members on my dad’s side of the family
    so it’s a bit easier for me to speak Japanese than Korean. In Korea they
    have greater English than japan But I still can’t decide!!

  4. Can anyone help me with this? Basically, I’ve been learning Hiragana (I’ve
    only learned about half of it though, I only started a couple weeks ago)
    and I was planning on starting Kanji and Katakana after I became somewhat
    good at Hiragana, but now I don’t know. Some people are saying to start
    learning Kanji first or merge it in between learning Hiragana or else I
    will have a hard time learning afterwards, and then others are saying to
    just be good at Hiragana in order to move onto the other two. What should I
    learn/do first? Should I still try to learn a bit of Kanji here and there
    while still learning Hiragana?

  5. Ok I have a question. I’m from the south and I am told by everyone not from
    my area That I have an accent. Would this make speeking japanese harder?
    Because I have had people try to tech me words and they end up sounding
    like broken records. Saying it over and over telling me that i’m not saying
    it right. Or am I doomed for ever by my Southern Bell accent?

  6. This video was extremely helpful. Thank you for giving so much information
    on ways to improve my Japanese.

  7. So useful! But what’s gotten me stuck is kanji. I just have a hard time
    learning the kanji and then knowing which version of it to use in sentences
    without the furigana on top. For example, the kanji for day (sorry my
    Japanese keyboard isn’t working!) has several sounds, so how do you know
    which one to use? Do you learn vocabulary first and then match it to kanji?
    That’s what has always held me back.

  8. Thank you for the links and the advice. Learning a different language is
    hard but if a person is determined to do it then she will succeed. Thank
    you again.

  9. so you can legitly learn the language via japaneseclass. jp? If so I think
    I may have to sign up

  10. And heaps of dramas 😀

  11. I can top that. I still use my flip phone……that I’ve had since 2004!

  12. It’s a bad idea to watch anime to try to learn Japanese. I’m a Japanese TA
    at my university, and I can tell just by my students’ accents if they watch
    anime to learn Japanese. You have to mix in REAL people speaking, because
    it’s pretty standard in anime for people to be using fake voices or strange
    accents. I’ve had to fix the pronunciation of my students that have learned
    from anime so many times. Dramas or variety shows are better to use. Watch
    anime if you want, but DON’T use it to learn.

  13. why sometimes quoting works, and sometimes it doesn’t? ._.

  14. Thank you so much (0v0)/ this is really helpfull!!

  15. You are an amazing sensei thank you this video was so helpful.

  16. I want to learn japanese but i really struggle with writing, even English.
    I’d rather learn oral first. However, the only people i know that know any
    Japanese are otakus, that tend to randomly disperse “otaku-ese” into their
    already broken japanese. I’m worried that if i join the language exchange
    that i’d struggle too much with communicating unless the other person
    already knew English to a decent Degree. Would this be an issue and how
    would i go about learning some basic oral Japanese?

  17. For iPhone, the app tae kim’s learning Japanese has been super helpful.

  18. Japanesepod101 also have a great app called JA sensei.

  19. im not in classes and i dont study all i do is watch anime LOL that sounds
    bad XD i know a few words though 😀 i am only 12 😛

  20. Thanks Rachel it really help coz i didnt have that much confidence in
    myself to lear Japanease !! Maybe it was coz i had to learn Japanease in
    English and im not from england (Im polish but i know English xD ) Love you
    !! xxx

  21. I’m impressed if you manage to learn the basics of the language at that
    age, not because it’s that difficult to be honest, but speaking out of
    experience, at the age of 12, I didn’t really have the motivation to do
    anything special. That being 10 years ago. However, I have to be completely
    honest with you now. I don’t really have much motivation now either. I just
    live my life, get stuff I want and keep going like a machine. I don’t mind
    it though… this got sidetracked really quickly.

  22. I like anime too but you can’t just learn Japanesse by watching anime like
    if you are watching a shonen anime like naruto and learning from it you
    probably know how to say rasengan, i take revenge and so on. I am not
    trying to be mean but you cant learn from only anime you could but it
    wouldn’t be as great learning from a text book.

  23. Flip phones!

  24. wow. that was very informative. thankyou.

  25. Well, at least I have heard several times that the vast majority of the
    Japanese can read all the jōyō kanji (there are currently 2,136 of them)
    without any trouble. Being able to write them all by hand is a little bit
    more trickier though…

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