Guys Talking Tech – Cloud Storage


  1. Tonight’s Guys Talking Tech recording. Great hangout. Thanks +Alex Camelio +Eric
    Proulx +Joseph Drasin +Joe Sheehan +Sandy Edry and +Stephen Chip for being
    such great experts.

  2. *Guys Talking Tech: Cloud Storage*

    For those of you who don’t know this – Don’t judge me, I try to do a
    somewhat regular Google Hangout about technology and make it understandable
    for everyone. This probably won’t be very interesting for network
    administrators or other IT professionals but if you are a regular person
    and you are a little mystified by *”The Cloud”* then it’s a good watch.

    I just watched this again and I gotta say, these guys I hang out with up
    here are really sharp. I feel very humbled every time we do one of these.
    It’s not easy to put things in lay terms and still bring the point across.
    I think we need to do another one soon since we are overdue. Anyone have
    any ideas on a topic?

    +Alex Camelio +Eric Proulx +Joe Sheehan +Joseph Drasin +Sandy Edry +Stephen

  3. Can you be more specific? Impacts in what way?

  4. Hey Patrick Healy i am notsure if you will be able to help but what are
    some of the impacts on cloud storage ?

  5. There has been a lot of talk lately about cloud storage (such as Dropbox or
    Google Drive) and what is the best solution. Here is a video by a few of
    the members of the group that helps simplify what cloud storage is and when
    it will work for you:

    cc: +Alex Camelio +Eric Proulx +Joe Sheehan +Joseph Drasin +Patrick Healy +Sandy
    Edry +Stephen Chip

  6. Hey! I”m really sorry I missed this – Great discussion!

  7. OK, I will try that…Thank you.

  8. Great segment Patrick. I caught the “rerun” at 3am during my lunch break.

  9. Glad you enjoyed it. We have another one going on tonight at 730 if you
    want to tune in live. We capture it and put them all up here.

  10. How did you capture/record Google+?

  11. You can do it through the hangout setup. You have to make it a Hangout On

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