Getting Started with AWS Flow Framework for Ruby for Amazon SWF


  1. i believe it does, looking at their Doc, retrying , error handling is an important piece of Workflow management , you’re right, you can code stuff yourself (retry, redis via resque or sidekik)… but this is more clear without reading code

  2. This could be implemented instead as a Resque plugin + transport between local machine and AWS instance. The tricky thing would be good expressive error handling. Which Flow might not have anyway.

  3. Man, I think GoogleTTS has a more expressive voice than the guy in this video…

  4. Please note–On Microsoft Windows, If you are not running Ruby under Cygwin, you’ll need to set use_forking to false on the activity worker options:

    activity_worker =
    @swf.client, @domain, $TASK_LIST, HelloWorldActivity) { { :use_forking => false } }

    There’s more information about this in the “Important Notes” section in the documentation. Sorry, I can’t post a link here…

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