Getting Started with Amazon Glacier


  1. Sign up for service. Once logged into your account, on the top there is a drop down menu for ‘My Account…’, then click on ‘Security Credentials’. Your access keys are located there. Then download a free client to upload files. I use ‘FastGlacier’.

  2. cloudberry s3 explorer pro can help. Glacier is not S3… It’s a completely different animal.

  3. I think the idea is if you have three files, you have to zip them first. Then the zip file is considered an archive and you upload that to the vault.

  4. Thanks for notice. I tested all files of FastGlacier and all files is clean. Test by more AV: / PlcRK (remove space around slash)

  5. Check FastGlacier – the first Gladier GUI for Windows. First version now released.

  6. Thanks, Sir!

  7. I made an uploader the other day. Check back often for feature updates.


  8. I made an uploader the other day. Check back often for feature updates.

  9. if we use SNS with glacier, is that another cost added or is it free? the FAQ is somewhat cryptic to me. if you request a download, it will send it to an EC2 service or something like that. is that going to be another cost being it uses EC2? or did i not understand that correctly?

  10. quite cheap…. way to go amazon :D

  11. Tutorials on how to upload to the vault would be nice. I don’t work with Eclipse, so I guess this product isn’t for me 🙁

  12. I find this hard to follow as well. Shouldn’t this be drag and drop or browse for files to upload?

  13. Any tutorials on how to go about doing that? I’ve never worked with an SDK.

  14. You need to use the SDK for now. We expect third parties to create new tools for Glacier and to add Glacier support to existing tools.

  15. How do you upload to a vault?

  16. LOW COST: Amazon Glacier is an extremely low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup. In order to keep costs low, Amazon Glacier is optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval times of several hours are suitable.” “$ 0.01 per gigabyte per month.”
    Use this for files that don’t need immediate interactive work.

    For max security and privacy, data should be encrypted before sending, independent of any site involvement with that phase.
    Use a solid ‘on-board’ utility for this, and practice a couple of times with some nondescript file to master the entire process so you know for certain you can get your files back.
    That would be: file encrypt> upload>download> decrypt & verify.
    Once proficient, go ahead with the more delicate file work.

    “Duplicati” is a free backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups bound for cloud storage service.
    Works with most services.
    AES-256 encryption.
    A built-in scheduler with various options like filters, deletion rules, transfer and bandwidth options to run backups for specific purposes.

  17. you can use Zoolz free it is giving away 100 GB free data stored on reliable Amazon Glacier Cloud

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