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  1. So what you are saying is, you’d rather steal than not break the law?

  2. Dear Karin

    BUY lost series.

    I personally do not support piracy or break copyright laws. Any one who directly exchange the material they wish, thus i recommend you to use your discretion when downloading music, movies, games and software files. Sharing is not illegal as long as you obey all relevant copyright laws. For that reason, the due observance with author rights is also a responsibility of users.

    If you are a good citizen you will respect the rights of others and you wont violate the law. i sincerely request to abide the laws to your full extent.

    Here at Yahoo! Answers We never help you to Commit felony or copyright infringement cause it it violation of terms and it is not allowed in the community guidelines.

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    Members of Yahoo! Answers are not above the law, so don’t post anything that violates the laws of your country, state, province, or city. Don’t try to trick people into sharing their personal information, steal anything (like copyright or trademark material), or break into places you shouldn’t be. Don’t threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don’t invade other people’s privacy.

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