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  1. The kind of camera used by a photographer: a DSLR camera, like the Nikon D-70 (its a nice camera that is used by me and other photographers)
    The kind of software used by photographers: Photoshop, its used by most if not all professional photographer.
    The kind of equipment: An external flash device and a good backpack to carry extra batteries and lens in.
    They do it by experience, starting off small and getting into bigger projects. They also do it by starting off with cheap equipment, and showing people what they can do and getting better equipment as they prove them selves in the photography world.

    Any online classes to take: go to a community collage and take some courses. For an online class:

    A good suggestion for a camera to buy:

  2. My question is same but i can tell u. Photographer use high quality camera, such as Nikon, Canon. And now Samsung also lauch their next generation Camera. So u can buy one of these camera.
    a photographer is not take classes for it. The Art of photography should be inside u. So take a good defination camera and start clicking….
    Best of Luck for Ur future

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