Free Russian Movies Online


  1. I know it =(
    More information about it here–24042013154700

  2. shut down for now

  3. where can i watch russian movies with subtitles?
    my russian isnt that good yet

  4. You don’t like something? Don’t bother with it.

  5. что за тюремный шансон в саундреке к этому видео????? О.о
    it’s disgusting!(

  6. thanks

  7. if i find any i will post it and let you know..

  8. Ok So, I am learning russian so that me and my girlfriend can communicate easier. I do better speaking a language when I know how it sounds when spoken at a normal pace. Are there any websites that have Russian movies to watch with english subtitles, where YOU don’t have to download a plugin. I saw you posted some really good sites, but they aren’t in english…..

  9. THANKS!!!!

  10. English version of what?

  11. And here

    Hello from Russia =)

  12. is there a english version? 

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