Free online Game design Courses!!


  1. sorry, it doesn`t…

  2. it seems to be working now 🙂

  3. yer but the website dont work mate

  4. If you’re still interested then hook me up with an inbox and I’ll try and help point you in the right direction and even help you. I know basics of Game Maker, using GML language. That’s a nice easy program to start with, and seems half decent for making some games. I’m still an amature myself but depending on how far you’ve got since this post, we may be able to help each other. 🙂

  5. I know this is a year old reply but age is never a limitation do designing games… But remember, every kid who plays games wants to design them. Heck, I’m 25 and I’ve wanted to design games for years… but it takes a lot of learning and years of dedication to learn how to create games. Your best bet now would be to use something like Flash, or Java, or HTML5 and code stuff for android. That way you can make dated looking games, which aren’t so demanding and still get something out of it.

  6. Yeah just tried to access the website and it’s down. I guess no one showed enough interest =

  7. I demand this to be back up!

  8. Should probably delete this or re-open your site. Sad, thought it might be helpful.

  9. talk duh….will you? Can hear the mic is on with background people talking

  10. where i can the video class of full of game design plz help me
    send ur email id

  11. i can’t even find the site

  12. Can you be any age? Because I really want to be a Game Designer!

  13. hmmm i am 12 is there a age restriction?

  14. looks cool….

  15. Over 30 views and no one wants to leave a comment? Come on, guys, its completely free!

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