FLU BIRD HORROR – Peliculas OnLine Gratis.mp4


  1. This movie is better than a lot of a grade, movies.

  2. entretiene

  3. 10:49 lol did u see her face

  4. simon simon yo me acuerdo de esa pelicula, de una persona que se RIE SOLO en EL BAño y En el RIO se BAña SOLA…

  5. I love how they were all just so nonchalant when they shot that white haired Euro-dude with the fucking flare gun hahaha


  7. What a worst picture it is!

  8. What the fuck

  9. HAHA

  10. These Not vampires

  11. 1:20:40 “We’re humans…we’re smarter”  Yeah, you say that AFTER crashing your ride AND delaying the helicopter long enough for the creatures to knock it out of the sky.

  12. 17:30 Dammit Ranger Smith…..you had ONE job…..smh

  13. And what would you rather they did to infected? Give them a party and invite them to live with the non-infected? 0.o

  14. OH, funny! The guy near the beginning that shoots his 12 gauge at the beast … looked like they put a fire cracker down the barrel! LOL … filmed by liberals? A 12 gauge blank can’t be that expensive.

  15. I concur immensely!!! What vintage Horror!!

  16. Yo ví una película mejor se trataba de un ave que transmitía una rara enfermedad orinando sus patas, se llamaba: EL PÁJARO MEA GARRAS XD

  17. vani mALA

  18. es un clavo

  19. Cos they’re mushy 🙂

  20. esta película es una mierdaa

  21. Zombie films reveal the true intention of CDC to those who have been infected or are in quarantine ,, shoot them in the head , burn and bury them ..

  22. nice

  23. es mui mala

  24. x’D

  25. me encanto mucho!!! =D !!!!! x’D

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