Eric Johnson – Cliffs Of Dover (Cloud Tourist Remix) [free download]


  1. Don’t worry about him he is a troll lol and I actually do know him in real life – trust me, you would most likely be better off banning him from your channel hahaha

  2. now I’M confused ^^’

  3. None taken 😀 – Cloud Tourist

  4. Yes sir! Ill sub to you if u sub to me? 😀 lol

  5. its a great job, i ment no offence

  6. i get that, but the song changes from sounding like a dubstep cliffs of dover to a different song completely

  7. it’s all about the music 🙂

  8. It is known as drops, with-out drops it is not considered dubstep.

  9. What’s with the 1:15 -1:45 and 2:43- 3:25 segments? other then that its a great remix

  10. Well is the program your wanting to run Mac Compatible it should say it if it is. If it just says Windows and nothing else then no it can’t be run on a Mac.

    What programs are you wanting to run? I could give you a better answer if you had said.

  11. Well, just got my MacBook aluminum and found out that it does not support MSN messenger with video. I got Skype instead it is sort of ok.. I still love my Mac though. The Ferrari of all computers out there in my opinion.

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