Cloud Computing: What is Cloud Computing?


  1. thanks, ^ ^

  2. best presentation with clear info

  3. nice one

  4. great,,,

  5. superb

  6. BEST Cloud Hosting service provider

  7. nice

  8. Hi, great video! Quick question: I work with customers who often have on-premises IT infrastructure, which, as you know is slow to scale. Do you have any success stories to share where you moved such clients toward deploying a private cloud computing service? Many thanks.

  9.  It really helped me to understand what is cloud computing

  10. excellent 

  11. Thanks! It really helped me understand what is cloud computing.

  12. công nghệ mới, hữu ích lại rẻ

  13. E54G

  14. Công ty dịch vụ viễn thông VTC
    Tòa nhà VTC Online, 18 Tam Trinh, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội
    Phụ trách kinh doanh: 0984.696.258
    Tìm đại lý kinh doanh dịch vụ dữ liệu, kênh thuê riêng với chiết khấu hấp dẫn nhất và giá rẻ nhât. Chuyên cung cấp các dịch vụ:
    Cloud computing: Điện toán máy chủ ảo giải pháp tiết kiệm chi phí cho doanh nghiệp.
    Dịch vụ kênh thuê riêng: IP Transit, kênh thuê riêng Internet, Kênh thuê riêng quốc tế IPLC, kênh thuê riêng trong nước DLC

  15. ??What is the program used in the production of this video

  16. ??What is the program used in the production of this video

  17. Whoa… I am iCloudified..!!

  18. Check this site, helps out with the understanding of the general cloud computing concept:

  19. Hey guys, we offer premium servers at competitive prices at Trinity Games, let us help you. Let us know Dan referred you and we’ll knock 10% off.

  20. nice clip .. i like it .. thanks for sharing

  21. excel workbook is xlsx

    The reason they have a problem is that maybe they have an older version of excel. The could use the free microsoft live and upload it there and see it. Its the microsoft cloud computing.

  22. The legacy extensions are .xls and .xlt for templates. Newer versions defaut to XML extensions .xlsx and .xltx. Newer versions of Windows Excel can “Save As…” older versions.
    Or as Sandy G suggests, they might be willing to download the translation add-in for their older version. (it’s an easy process and works.)

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