BlackBerry PlayBook & KOBO e-reader app


  1. spooky…I was watching your book video yesterday and was gonna ask you
    about your thoughts on ebooks, but got distracted and forgot. My Mum asked
    me if I wanted one of those kindle things for Christmas but decided against
    it, mainly because I dont think Id use it as much as I could, I think Id
    miss the tactile nature of holding a book, and aside from that the cost of
    the ebooks is too high compared to a physical product (much like ipods and
    mp3 downloads…)

  2. I’d like a pad (an Asus Eee Pad, as it’s Android and pretty!), and it’s
    nice as a device for Internet stuff when traveling.(I’ve used an iPad, but
    I’m not an Apple fan, so wouldn’t want one myself.) The pads are fun for
    YouTube, Worfeud and such things, but not so good for reading. (I’ve
    tried). Reading on a proper eReader is like reading on paper. Oh, do you
    have the Wordfeud app? I have it on my HTC Desire S (phone), and have lots
    of games going! Always loved Scrabble. (I’m lunacia on WF).

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