Amazon Kindle Paperwhite [Hands-on][HD]


  1. Seriously though, Zachery’s right. Ease up on the flappy flap hands.

  2. You move your mouth too much.

  3. I agree with that too…although it’s a bit ‘weird’ talking on camera, as someone else is obviously filming him

  4. great job…BUT…alot of ppl NEW to e-readers (such as myself) are very curious as to the INTERNET capability and ability to check our FACEBOOK, and email etc..
    Just wanted to suggest you ‘remake’ this review in order to have more info/watchers/clout as a reviewer. Great job otherwise!

  5. You move your hand to much

  6. The lights on the Paperwhite are on the bottom of the screen, 3 of them 🙂 but still a cool device

  7. Amazon has not yet come out with a color e ink screen thats’ sad beside’s,

    i hope they will have all the features, graphics, video play back speed, processing power multitasking, inventions and more on a color e ink display called kindle paper color.

    Hope for a better ecosystem

  8. The problem with readers is that they show your porn history forever.

  9. Thanks for the review, nice video and useful comments. However, there’s one thing I’d like to know. I’m a big fan of collections, how are they displayed on Paperwhite? I mean, if I sort my books by collections, do I lose the cover view or does one of the covers represent the whole series? I love that they finally got to displaying covers on home screen, but without collections my Touch is now a mess, so I’d like to have both – order and pictures 🙂

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