AMAZON HYPOCRISY RANT About DVD Restrictions & Rules For Sellers


  1. AMAZON HYPOCRISY & RANT About DVD Restrictions & Rules For Sellers
    #Amazon #Ebay #Ecommerce #FBA 

  2. Fu*k Amazon, nobody is allowed to make a decent amount of money anymore. I
    get hit with like $50 in fees after shipping on eBay for something that
    sells for $250, the reselling game is dying very slowly.

  3. I think the policy is stupid too. I love the rants: I can tell they are

  4. I dont think this is an issue with you sellers. This is an issue with the
    corporations. The corporations want you sellers to buy from whole sellers
    not thrift shops, ebay, auctions, craigslist etc. Im pretty sure Amazon is
    in bed with them. Maybe they will do this with books in the future?

  5. I was laid off today and wanted to know if you think it is possible to sell
    on eBay for a living. Like getting items at thrift stores and resell them.
    Thanks so much!

  6. So what are you supposed to do with the DVDs that were all ready listed?
    Remove them?

  7. Andrew, let me preface this by saying that I thoroughly enjoy the content
    you put out on a weekly basis and have received so much invaluable
    information from you in the past, and have told and thanked you personally
    via YouTube comments. You had a video a while back in regards to the new
    Ebay seller standards, as well as Amazon’s seller standards, and stated
    that “it’s their sandbox, and if you don’t like it, leave.” Which is
    ultimately absolutely true. But I and so many others felt a little slighted
    and wanted to voice our opinions in regards to these new rules put in place
    and how they were completely unfair to sellers, but you still had that
    video saying “if you don’t like it, leave.”

    So what I’m ultimately getting at here is that you should be careful what
    you wish for. And that maybe next time you will push back against any and
    all unfairness in regards to sellers on either platform and not be so
    selective in your criticism. If you give anyone an inch, they’ll take a

    Love the content, though. Keep up the amazing work you do.

    Best Regards

  8. Retail reciepts will probobally work. I used regular retail reciepts to get
    approved in other catagories. I have also heard from other resellers that
    they have used reciepts from Best Buy & Sam’s Club to get approved for the
    DVD catagory. I plan on calling Seller Support and asking them tomorrow.
    Just a thought. Best wishes!

  9. Kinda weird to defend Ebays silly defect rate policy and then turn around
    and have issues with Amazon’s new policy. 

  10. I have to put in my two cents. If you look at my DVD inventory you will see
    I have 1 or 2 of a give DVD not a lot of one item like a con artist would
    sell. I would think seeing so many singles in someones inventory would
    indicate that they are not selling a bunch of ripped disks.

  11. Will these rule changes make it to CD’s and bluray discs aswell, i suppose?

  12. Yea i think its bullshit they are picking on the little guys especially
    those of us who are very careful about what we are sending in and obviously
    not doing anything fraudulent. I recently had one of my disney movies taken
    down there are no fba sellers for that movie now I got an email apparently
    someone received a movie that was a possible fake so they took them all
    down pending investigation or some b.s. I am going to call them and see
    whats going on. What really sucks is i had great sources at getting box
    sets that i tripled or better my money on and now I wont be able to sell
    them. I’m not going to jump thru hurtles I will just sell them on ebay I
    guess not my favorite thing to do. There is always books right! lol

  13. I’ve been bearish on amazon for a while. I’ve heard video games are next on
    their list for restrictions starting with consoles.

  14. Hahaha just wait until they start expanding categories to music CDs, VHS
    movies, Videogames and every other type of media that has rights. You can
    almost see it coming. 

  15. I agree what they’re doing is stupid and unfair. But there may be a more
    sinister reason they’re doing it other than their stated reason. It sounds
    to me like they’re after people’s wholesale sources and trying to raise the
    price of DVDs sold on their site. As for me, I don’t care. I’ll just sell
    DVDs on my website when I get it going, I don’t have very many. In the long
    run they might be doing us all a favor. Maybe this will inspire a few of us
    to create a new DVD marketplace online. 

  16. The morning that I woke up and saw Amazon’s email about this was the worst
    day of my life so far. I was also thinking the same thing that as far as
    dvds are considered I will move to ebay 

  17. I am very, I am going to have an EXTRA nice day today,
    since you hoped I would not. I am going to ace the stat exam, study, spend
    time with my kids and listen to some mindblowingly awsome music. Rants are
    fine, but don’t put down your subscribers simply because they decided to
    watch your video this morning. Sayonara.

  18. I was warning people about Amazon cracking down on sellers for the past
    year and was routinely ridiculed. Amazon has no use for “the little guy”
    and their everyday actions show it. The entire online arbitrage business
    model is a leaky dam that is starting to show significant cracks. Don’t let
    your livelihood be washed away when the dam collapses!

  19. I wonder if this is Amazon trying to kill the resale market for TV DVD box
    sets so they can push people to Amazon prime streaming. I can see the
    Hollywood studios playing hardball in their negotiations “We would love to
    sell you the exclusive streaming rights to our entire back catalog of
    titles, but in return you need to get rid of these thousands of used DVD
    copies so we can squeeze a few extra pennies out of our overpriced new
    copies before the entire DVD market finally dies.”

  20. A large number of DVD’s selling on Amazon do not state the MSRP.
    If the original MSRP was $40 2 years ago and you list at $21 will this be a

  21. Unfortunately, the danger of selling on platforms
    Will be interesting to see what happens to ebay after the paypal split
    I hear rumors they will require minimum sales that is why they are sending
    out sales reports
    Wouldnt shock me

  22. It’s their house, they can and will do what they want, everyone else are
    only guests. they’ll kick out private sellers to the curb at anytime.

  23. I’m a new seller, started in August. I sold my first two DVDS Sept 17 and
    2 days after this BS deadline Amazon came up with. You guys got the $25.00
    restriction we got full restriction email. Cause we didn’t sell a DVD
    between Sept 2013 and September 15th 2014. Lol. Your right. Now we do the
    BS invoice dance like I had to do for groceries. Its cool…
    . books rock.

  24. I did not get that email but I’m on and 100% so far.

  25. I mainly agree, it is stupid. But I got my three invoices. It was super
    easy. I think Amazon just wants to do this so they can say they are tough
    on counterfeiting. If they come right out and say it is OK for people to
    source from a thrift store, they would be in serious trouble with the
    stuffed suit lawyers of the studios. Does Amazon give a a $%^& if we get
    our stuff from a thrift store. No, of course not. This is a legal move, and
    the wink wink message from Amazon is “just jump through this hoop so we can
    all get back to business”. 

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