Amazon EC2 15 minute introduction using the new micro instance type



  1. Nice Intro. Thanks!

  2. Thanks.

  3. Very useful THanks!!

  4. thank you 🙂

  5. Very useful, thank you

  6. awesome! every second is worth watching.. no nonsense…. 

  7. Tip of the cap to you, cheers!

  8. really helpful, thanks you so much.

  9. This was extremely helpful, thanks so much.

  10. WOW thanks for this intro. I watched so many things and this was actually made for humans to understand. Thanks

  11. Valuable intro–thank you!

  12. Very nice and helpful demo

  13. Greg, Thanks for this very short and useful demo!

  14. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Great cheat sheet Greg! I am using it on my blog, I hope you dont mind!

  16. Thanks, well presented video.

  17. Many Thanks for this information!

  18. If you stop it it will become unresponsive however you will still be charged for it as your using storage for installing the OS. To stop billing you need to terminate.

  19. Hi great video. About the per hour charge. If the instance is running in “start” it will continuously charge per hour, what if it is “stop” will it charge still? You mentioned in the video when you terminate that is when it stops charging$. Please clarify thanks a lot!

  20. big help, thx

  21. Thanks dude that helps 🙂

  22. Gregory (or anybody else) I have a question, is there a way to boot then stop an instance (e.g between a certain time (like what cron or crontab does)?


  23. how to get a database instance on this ubantu instance ?

  24. Thanks for this… Very straight forward and useful.

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