ABetterRadio.com – Free Online Radio – A Better Internet Radio Station


  1. I have been a fan of Russel’s websites for many years and he knows how to deliver. Clubfm was the most amzing inter

  2. Love the site. good music

  3. Good Shit Haney! A Better Radio is the Best Radio! 

  4. Hey Russ why the fuk isn;t there no Brekbeat station??

  5. Great work Russ. I have been a big fan of yours since the Club fm days

  6. Clubfm? That was an awesome fucking site back in the day. Russ was one of the pioneers of internet radio. He is still off the hook providing the best music on the web!

  7. Hey Russ! ABR is bad ass. Congrats on your new venture

  8. A Better Radio is the tits!

  9. Russ, you have done a hell of a job with ABR. The on demand section is the shit

  10. I have been listening to A Better Radio for a few months and absolutely love it

  11. To create a drop down with all six options, that’s easy. Just do the following (not sure if the Yahoo answers would show the codes correctly, if not, please feel free to contact me),

    Or instead of having six different options, you have have three options in the drop down box, 4×6, 8×10, and 20×30. But you add two additional radio boxes, Framed and Print-only.

    If you want them to show different prices, there are two ways to do that. One way is to do it is using Javascript. Javascript is done on the client side and people can turn it off. Depending on what the users select in the drop down menu, you would display the prices dynamically. The other way to do it is using some kind of server side technology like ColdFusion, ASP, ASP.Net, …etc. But this would depend on what kind of technology your web hosting company supports.

    I am a web developer by trade. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.

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