A Cry For Help: The Tracey Thurman Story (1989) (Full Movie)


  1. very sad film…

  2. This a true story sad to say but woman in America go through this every day even though the law is better with domestic violence now days but the point is american men lose control and have no mercy on women and that’s not good!!!

  3. The stupid idiot cop had a gun. What was he afraid of, his own shadow??????? The laws back then were even more useless than the ones today. What did her marital status have to do with it? She deserved protection like anyone else. I wanted to rip out his nuts and feed them to him with his coffee and donuts. Also, two million wasn’t enough. She had a kid … not to mention medical expenses and pain and suffering. His sentence was too light too. Why didn’t they just serve him ice cream and cake?

  4. that lawyer is good. America has developed over the years, i can’t believed they ignored a woman complaining of a murder threat am so sorry for Tracey that her body ended up like that but trust me i would have to try something on my own cuz he wouldn’t get the chance to beat me that badly of my temperament.

  5. in real life, she did sue.

  6. No man that hits a woman is a man. I also believe in a woman should never hit a man either. I do also believe in a Louisville Slugger. Simple as that. These people were wrong, wrong, wrong….Poor woman.

  7. i hate when that brat kept crying!

  8. I can’t believe how bloody useless the police were!? Why the hell did Tracey marry that douchebag knowing exactly what he was like??? I don’t get it.

  9. the police are retards

  10. officer danzinger is a BITCH!!!

  11. wow the police still didnt do anything when she was calling and then when he assaulted her with the knife they was no help the police is supposed to protect us and as i see they dont and it crazy to have to live in this world today where some police dont give a damn and thats a shane because that lady will have to remember that day forever and none wants to ever go through that at all and also i have to say thats one good ass lawyer that Tracy had maybe ill need him one day if something go wrong

  12. The police need to be sued. It is a shamed and she could have died.

  13. The way I see it is this. Most people think that in a relationship, it’s almost “traditional” for them to “have” to be abusive. It’s like a pattern that’s followed over and over again. I think they imitate those who hold a relationship. But they don’t know just how special that relationship really is. They take it for granted. I have never been in any close relationship, but that does NOT mean I would ever, ever do anything to jeopardize it in any way, by being abusive!

  14. this is fucking ridiculous! the police were some pussies

  15. And worst of all, he only did all of those things because they rhymed!!

  16. his name was buck
    he was a crazy fuck
    he stuck
    a knife
    inside his wife
    and tried to end her life

  17. She married a complete lunatic.  and the cops were crazy too

  18. this movie so long and dreadful

  19. She got 1.9 million that’s all???? wow I do hope all cops got fired but you know that didn’t happen???wow

  20. This is very sad to watch and know it is true…I have went through many abusive relationships and finally I no longer want nor will have anymore relationships at all…God Bless Those Who Are Still Going Through Abuse.. In Jesus Name. Amen

  21. I can’t believe this idiotic woman burdened and endangered her friend and the friend’s family for all those years, with no thought for their lives whatsoever.

  22. Really? Everyone’s just going to stand around and watch? She should have sued them all. I hate this town.

  23. We need to teach our young daughters how to recognize signs of abuse and signs of faulty character.

  24. I can’t believe ……

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    http://w ww.animationmeat.com/notes/notes.html

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