★★★ Top FREE Best Must Have FPS/Shooter Online PC Games 2012-2013 ★★★ (New)


  1. And dont play it alone.

  2. i downloaded all 3 O.o

  3. Thx for the video 🙂 Made me download the GR online!

  4. Hey guys, I added a new free-to-play third-person shooter video game called ‘Warframe’ in the description box which should have been in the top list but came out recently so I did not get the chance to make a video on it. I would say it is currently the hottest and most epic free to play shooter game out right now, so be sure to check it out! Link is in the description.

  5. planetside 2 is cool but the trailer is not that epic…
    i choose the other better but i am underaged

  6. PlanetSide 2 is by far the best game in the list no question. But you need a good computer to run it, I would say it is the best FPS game out so far.

  7. Arctic Combat is a good game, but could be so much better. The graphics are great, well as can be for games like this. It also is easy to play and very entertaining. Though as much as Webzen says, “We try to ban hackers” they do nothing. So you end up loosing to hackers. And some people are really rude, not like oh they’re just angry, but the if you were near me I’d probably tackle you rude. Plus sometimes there’s some lag, but what game doesn’t have that?

  8. Interesting… 🙂

  9. Advertising. That’s how they do it. Plain and simple. Companies pay big money for ads on a site.

  10. One way a lot of game companies make money from a free game WITHOUT advertising is charging for attribute boosts in the form of gems, coins, etc. that give you an advantage over the other players.

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