Xbox One Cloud Computing Analysis – How The Cloud Could Benefit Gaming & Its Positives & Negatives

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  1. I found all that shooting in the background a bit distracting and boring
    whilst your argument was very valid and informative, thanks for that. I
    would have preferred you showed me some graphs to illustrate your lecture
    but it’s ok. Basically the xbox one will be using Cloud to be future proof.
    The problem in this, not so very happy present, is that the speed of
    connections in Europe is nowhere near the 100mbs you enjoy in the States.
    Some people still have only 7mbs which makes cloud calculation slow if not
    impossible. But in the long term, as the world surfs faster, I can see it
    working for the xbox one even better. I think the ps4 is graphically
    marginally better offline. But the xbox one is so much more than just
    graphics, which are tops anyway, it must be said, so we’ll see.

  2. You know what man? Even though I am buying a PS4 you made the most
    convincing point. As a result I have liked your comment good sir, and it is
    happy to see someone who is actually thinking and not raging.

  3. Cant wait for day one in the long term this console will be a beast!

  4. ok kiddo.

  5. PS4 do not have cloud dumb asses.

  6. Cant wait… Xbox One Day One edition coming soon

  7. in my opinion we will be happy with zero lag on online gameplay, i will buy
    the sistem who offer that feature

  8. that is not cloud computing really. that is a game that is being sent to
    the console as a video stream from a server and only the controls are sent
    back and forth to the server. not the same thing.


  10. What game is he playing?

    people so defeatist in life? Just because making the cloud work is
    difficult is no reason not to make an attempt at it? Is that the way you
    live your life? Only doing whats safe like Sony? Dont expect to succeed
    much if you will take no risks. MS had 7 yrs to think of a new idea and
    gave us digital dist. and cloud. Sony had 7 yrs and gave us a share button??

  12. don’t you realize that the most they would do with the cloud is things like
    enemy ai, some smaller textures, an computing small things… cause the
    bandwidth is not large enough to render a heavy graphical input. and that
    “Infinite” power of the cloud is pr bull shit. mmos have been doing this
    for years. and the real reason behind this is to make piracy virtually

  13. Unfortunately, that is not the case yet in majority cities in US; they only
    have ATT or Comcast as their choice of internet provider. Some lucky man
    may have more options like Verizon or WB but they are not too much better.
    The highest speed for ATT is 24mbps with the new fiber optic U-verse
    service that cost about $66 a month. It is not something every family can
    afford and many families will just go with the basic 3-6mbps which is only
    “barely” enough for basic online gaming.

  14. Gaiki was bought for 100’s of millions a couple of years ago by Sony,
    before msoft talked about cloud gaming..

  15. It’s not gonna compare.

  16. Directly from MS.
    You might like that article 🙂

  17. PS4 Has 50% More GPU Power and double the Ram bandwidth thats a fact not a
    biased view

  18. Ps4 has cloud gaming and provides more than xbox

  19. lol Just no on the equal power

  20. Well its definitely set itself up for success if you ask me. cool. but they
    still don’t have the cloud till 2014? why is that?

  21. I got crappy internet because of my area I get 110 kb a second, Not for
    long Fibre Optic is being installed in my area as I type 🙂

  22. Thanks for your videos friend but your accent, use of English and the sound
    of your voice, I cannot help thinking you should be saying the words ( Who
    Lives In A House Like This) lol

  23. Haha look at all the ps fanboys shaking in their boots!

  24. Sony HAS said ‘ ofcourse the ps4 will and can do cloud computing ‘ that was
    weeks ago, please look up cloud comp on non pro sony or MS web sites, they
    all say the same, it cannot and is IMPOSSIBLE to do what MS says, but in
    6-10years yes, its just a new name for something that has been here from
    1990, please please look it up, infact the bandwith alone it cant do it,
    never mind the specs , one xb1 is 3x the power NO. Yes maybe 3x the data
    store but it is IMPOSSIBLE, and sony are doing it.

  25. MMO’s get there data from a client……. not servers/clouds.

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