Sony Online Entertainment and Acony Games unveil free-to-play shooter Bullet Run


  1. FUCK SONY!!

  2. Everything after Modern Warfare is just copy and paste.

  3. Fuck the noob cod fanboy-dislikers


  5. este juego estara en pc?

  6. this is hedone! mmmm new name

  7. خلاص خلاص يا بابا كود احسن لعبه في العالم ,, خلاص ,,, تقدر تنام الحين وانت
    مرتاح .

  8. I saw a cover system, sliding and diving. Not a CoD rip off. Looks like
    borderlands mixed with like…Gotham City Imposters(based on the
    customization I saw.) Its looks good.

  9. ييييييييييييييس اخيرا الحين اقدر انام وانا مرتاح

  10. Tell me its a joke… Please…

  11. PC?

  12. First

  13. only better than bo and mw3

  14. Hunger games ,anyone ? 😀

  15. look like Hedone

  16. Planetside 2!!!

  17. nothing is better than cod mw2 and bo

  18. just another children game (no offense)

  19. I hope that not same Shit happens as with Gamersfirst 😀

  20. FAIL!!!

  21. ya, your right, i hope it is still coming out for PC under the name Hedone

  22. better than Cod (*-ّ )

  23. Hey, thats Hedone! But under a new name it seems.

  24. it’s the fucking best, can’t wait for Dust 514 as well!~

  25. concept looks sick :3

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