Killer Clown Returns Scare Prank!


  1. complimenti davvero…

  2. Whatever you do always…
    JUST RUN!!!!
    *Halloween Pranks. All the way!!! LOL! XD!!!

  3. Regarder cette vidéo elle hyper terrifiante par contre ceux qu’ils la
    phobie des clowns ne regardé pas.

  4. Der neue Trend in und aus Frankreich zu Halloween.. Katastrophe und gar
    nicht lustig

  5. This is what I’m like when I’m pissed off

  6. Really entertaining.. but did you reveal it was a prank after you scared
    these victims? This would traumatize me lol.. As a guy who used to make
    tons of prank videos and know the deal, for a prank like this you should
    definitely reveal it was a prank and show a couple of those reveals at the
    end of the video.. Or else what you’re doing is pretty fucked up.

  7. Gott sei Dank , kenn ich die ,,ausländische Weise” 😀 XD Ich würde den auf
    Arabisch beleidigen z.B. ئا خرا 😀 (Übersetzung : Du Scheiße) [ klingt auf
    Arabisch härter ] Würde den treten (wie ich’s gelernt habe) , schlagen ,
    (selber Schuld ^^)
    Machen wir immer xD
    Anstatt die Polizei anzurufen XP Haha 😀 XD 

  8. Clown’s song on my channel ( [PARODIE] – Je Garde Le Sourire – 2014 )

  9. Ci sei? Vegli anche la mia miserrima vita da lassù?
    Se fai andare tutto per il verso giusto stasera, riesco a vedere
    “Clown”……………..ti imploro…

  10. USA is one of the extremely rare places on earth where you are allowed to
    carry a gun and shoot shit when you are scared. The rest of the world does
    not consist of socially insecure armed psychos.
    Stop comments about guns you poor yankees losers!
    What a shame for our world your stupid and violent country.

  11. ne croyer pas a ça et regarder attentivement la video c’est du faux

  12. Faites attention durant la soirée du 25 octobre … 

  13. I would just stand there and see what would happen they wouldn’t be aloud
    to killed so jokes on u.


  15. ah c horrible !!!

  16. das schlimme ist da sind schon welche zu tode gekommen
    einfach nur asozial

  17. Um I think everyone in this clip had to change there underwear.

  18. Even knowing this is a prank and I saw this I would still get the hell out
    of there

  19. I can’t help to wonder what would happen if any of them had a gun

  20. n’importe quoi!!!

  21. pipo power!! O_O

  22. AHHHHH…. :'( help m’y


  23. In the netherlands this prank got me too out of the reaction i grapped a
    brick and threw it at the clown it hitted him and i reaconized it was a
    Joke so i had to call the hospital

  24. These afe seriously some of the best pranks of all time- If it was me id
    probably have a heart attack lol

  25. Ich finde sowas ist nicht lustig und man lacht auch nicht pber sowas ich
    meine ein streich ist etwas anderes bitte unterstutzt solche aktionen nicht

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