Exit Humanity (2012) – Official Trailer [HD]


  1. why do they insist on making really long trailers for films no need it
    gives far too much away and then there is no point in even watching the
    movie x

  2. lol Undead Nightmare? Anyone…?

  3. this showed of been called Exit Redemption 

  4. soooo is this red dead redemption movie XD

  5. And a great haunting underrated soundtrack.

  6. I fucking loved this movie lol all the other ones are stupid

  7. This movie was actually really good, all you guys who look down on it cause
    it’s a not so famous movie should give it a try. It combines the classic
    old west setting with good character developments and a good show of how
    humans are the real evil. This movie was actually good, I bet you it’s
    better than World War Z. I’d bet a hundred dollars on that.

  8. This was so NOT what I was expecting, and I loved it! I think that because
    this movie is more “real” than most Zombie flicks (which are treated more
    like straight action flicks) and because I got into it so much it was easy
    to transition to Walking Dead (which I hadn’t watched til after this).

  9. great film but this kinda ruins the story

  10. waste of film 

  11. The guitarist from acdc is in a zombie movie?!?!?

  12. “This is not a movie, but a piece of cinema” this is nonsense >.< 2:22

  13. UNIQUE

  14. Absolutely loved this movie! 

  15. One of the most boring movies I have ever watched!

  16. This is Undead Nightmare as a movie

  17. mukemmel bir film supperrr film super super super

  18. I liked this the first time I saw it the first when it was a DLC for Red
    Dead Redemption…..which was awesome btw

  19. ‘This is not a movie, but a piece of ”shit” oh ”cinema”

  20. ¿Donde, cuando la puedo ver? ^_^

  21. i watched 10 movies in 20 minutes… gotta love these trailers 

  22. cheap lookin trailer…bet it was boring too

  23. That’s sceard me 

  24. this in’t a trialer, this is just a short version of the movie. now i have
    no reason to watch it

  25. Hasn’t even got a wikipedia page, this movie must suck. 

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