Celestial White Noise 10 Hours. Sleep Better, Reduce Stress, Calm Your Mind, Improve Focus


  1. So totally random – I added up the amount of time people have spent playing
    this video and the total comes out to 570 years. Crazy. Thanks to all of
    you who have made this video such a success!

  2. Relaxing White Noise recently hit the 20 million view milestone. Thanks to
    every one of you for the thousands of positive comments over the past
    two-and-a-half years!

  3. This is not a noise, this is the best song ever composed. I will say it
    again: *the is the best song ever composed*!

  4. Wow! I am definitely going to purchase the 10 hour sound clip of this. This
    helps me so much while reading novels. It has gotten to a point that I
    can’t read without it!

  5. Finally at that 7 Mill mark!
    Been listening to this for the past week whilst revising for Christmas Uni
    exams, so helpful. 

  6. this amazing! !!! I have been suffering from insomnia for about 5 months,
    but now I plugged in my ear phones and sleep like a baby. it’s like magic.
    Thank You

  7. I’ve been having trouble sleeping for some time, and I’ve been hearing
    indescribable noises that are high pitched and have no apparent source to
    them. A friend suggested that since music helps get rid of it, white noise
    will work even better. So, I searched it and come across this… Nothing
    has ever been so helpful. Ever. Thank you for uploading this.

  8. This helps me read better and I’m able to concentrate on my homework. Thank

  9. I found this about a week ago. I was listening to a bunch of sample sleep
    music and my youngest crawled into my bed followed by the other. ..we all
    have a hard time falling to sleep on a nightly basis and I am usually up 3
    or four times a night. ..on this evening , after the kids came to my bed, I
    went and did the nightly lock down and came back to sleeping babies! I
    moved them to their rooms and laid in my bed listening to this misic for a
    minute.I still need to do my nightly beauty routine but instead I woke up
    to birds singing and sunshine! I had fallen asleep and slept for I think ,
    7 hours. I love these sounds. I’ve used it a few times now and I’m having
    dreams again. One’s I can remember and analyze. For me , being able to do
    this again, gives me a great positive outlook . THANK YOU SO MUCH! XOXOX

  10. thanks, this helps me alot under stress in tests, those 2000 disliker know
    nothing about life

  11. Finished the video , does it count even though I was asleep for 95% of it?

  12. This video is EVERYTHING. The way in which it instantly soothes my 3 month
    old is nothing short of magical and miraculous! I’ve shared it on all of
    the mom pages I’m part of and it has helped so many of them calm their
    babies and catch some extra sleep themselves. This truly is my saving grace
    and I cannot thank you enough for uploading this! If this were an app I
    could run in the background I would pay A LOT for that. 

  13. I must thank you again for this video! I highly recommend this video!! I
    swear before I listened to this video I had a dream where I was brought
    above the earth, this video is exactly what I heard, even the faint choir
    singing too! Question, is there faint choir singing in the background of
    this track??? Hands down this video is my go to on restless nights!!!

  14. Thank you much, it helps me sleep. Got to sleep in under five minutes. (i

  15. Any solid studies on these things? I’m 23 and have PTSD, listened to noise
    for the first time yesterday for about 3 hours, today I feel awake and calm
    in a way I have never felt. At work today I was constantly questioning if
    this is reality or a good dream lol.. I don’t feel anything special, it’s
    rather that I feel normal instead of stressed and exhausted

  16. The sound of the beginning of time..the sound of the end of time..the sound
    of infinity…timeless..I love it..

  17. I really enjoyed this during my sleep. I have problems falling asleep so
    turn this on slip of my socks rub my feet and fall asleep excited for the
    next day. Thank you!

  18. I can’t stop listening to this noise whenever I feel sleepy, this always
    gets me to sleep thank you!

  19. This saved my sanity, my water bill, and my back. My son has been having
    horrible crying fits fighting his sleep. The only thing I could get to work
    was running water, which meant rocking back and forth by the sink for an
    hour. Then, I found this! He was asleep in 5 minutes. 

  20. This made me really anxious and gave me a headache. I have no idea why.

  21. Have never focused on homework better. I swear by this video. I’ve never
    experienced anything that has ever let me focus this well. I used to have a
    massive problem focusing but now I can work for 8 hours straight with ease.
    You saved my grades–thank you for uploading this!!

  22. i,m not kidding when i say this is one of the best things on youtube 

  23. I can’t believe it, I clicked this video and immediately feel peaceful.
    Wow, this going on my favourites.

  24. I just wanted to say that my High School class is particularly loud and
    disturbing. I have had problems for 2 and a half years trying to focus in
    this class, and I think I finally found the answer. This completely drowns
    them out, and helps me focus on a whole other level. Thank you so much!

  25. This video helped me every time I needed to do homework. My desktop is
    within earshot of the television, and my step-dad watches t.v. during the
    same time frame I do my homework in. This really saved me when I plugged
    some earphones in to this soothing sound. Now, I can finally focus on my
    tasks. Thank you so much, Relaxing White Noise!

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